Friday, September 21, 2012

Homemade Vapour Rub

I came across this recipe for homemade vapour rub from CrunchyBetty's website.
As a Mum to a little one, I didn't feel comfortable even using the baby brand vapour rub on her little chest when she got the coughs or sniffles.
This recipe seemed straight forward enough and true enough I soon had a natural vapour rub that seemed identical in texture and smell.

Homemade Vapour Rub

  • 2 tsp beeswax (grated)
  • 1/4 cup EVOO
  • 35 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 15 drops eucalyptus essential oil
  • 15 drops rosemary essential oil
Melt the beeswax and olive oil together until smooth (I used a glass bowl in the microwave, stopping and stirring a couple of times until it was completely melted). Stir well with a whisk. Continue whisking while adding the essential oils drop by drop. Transfer to a small lidded container. Store in a cool, dry place for up to  a year (or more).

Both baby and hubs loved it, not to mention it left the skin on the bottom of my feet nice and soft!



Felecia Cofield said...

I love vapor rub! I am so thankful to find this homemade version! So much more healthy! Thanks for sharing! Blessings from Bama!

Gin said...

This recipe sounds great--I'm enjoying reading here. (Found this post from the Thriving Thursday linkup)


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