Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A Quick Update

Where to start?
Well, first off I would tell you that "Things are Good."
We are good, happy, more or less healthy (though we've had our fair share of bugs this winter!) and all-in-all in fairly good spirits.

Eloise is getting bigger and smarter everyday, not to mention a HUGE personality to go with such a teensy package.
Her words right now consist of:
- Bapa (papa)
- Hippo
- Balle (ball in french)
- Suse (soother)
- Numnum (for food)
- Uh oh!
- Mama
- Lait (milk in french)
- L'eau (water in french)
- 'gard! (for 'regard' or 'look' in french)

And I'm sure of a few others that I've forgotten off the top of my head.

We've had an insane amount of snow this winter - and it just keeps piling up! I can't help but feel very Canadian as we shovel off our cars and drive in all sorts of crazy weather (at 10mph mind you...)

I have been keeping busy with all sorts of little crafts and my herbalism. I've even started getting some orders for my winter skin balm, which I handed out some samples of.
It makes me optimistic enough to think that maybe I really could work at home and make a little income this way.
I've been enjoying my quilting and drawing and also learning how to even do some gluten-free baking!
While none of us are celiac (thank God) we do have some carb issues and hubby may have a gluten intolerance, so we're slowly cutting it back and seeing if it helps.

Jeremie is in his first contract as an IT tech and really enjoying it. It's quite the change from the welding shop, and it was so funny having the discussion that yes, you needed to wear nice slacks, and a button-up shirt or a nice sweater...yes, you need to wear a belt and nice shoes...
Poor guy, he's only ever wore clothes that could get grease stains, rips, tears or catch on fire as opposed to a nice, clean-cut look.
Although personally, I think he looks very handsome in his  "office clothes." ;)
We recently celebrated my 26th birthday this past weekend by going to the Museum of Nature and then out for some wonderful Indian food while Grandma and Grandpa graciously babysat for us.

And today we just finished celebrating Shrove Tuesday with family and ate a wonderful pancake dinner! My Mum and Dad thought I was a little crazy when I told them I wanted to make blue, red and green pancakes; but being the wonderful sports that they are (and used to my weirdness by now) allowed me to play with the food colouring!

(yes they did taste better blue)

Lent is now upon us and I'm trying to get into the season! I've decided to do the 10-10 challenge for the internet/computer usage. Meaning I can't be on the computer between 10am and 10pm. I'm also going to try not to make any meat dishes on Friday and really honour Lent this year.

And that's what we've been up to!
Coming up, my DIY project for table-runners, and recipes for bottling your own berry cordial and gluten-free bread.



Anonymous said...
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Mimi said...

Your baby's first words are so sweet. I like "bapa" for "papa". How wonderful that she is growing up to be bilingual.


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