Saturday, August 11, 2012

Dear Eloise: A Letter To My One Year Old Daughter

Dear Eloise: A Letter to my One year old Daughter

To my darling daughter,
It's 8:30pm right now, and exactly 12 months ago at this moment I was shaking with contractions and working harder than I ever have my entire life, to meet you.
At 4:07am, tomorrow morning you will have been born, and will have changed my life forever.
I saw, through bleary, tired eyes, your tiny face and Papa holding you up to me, and gently asking “What should we name her?”
We decided on “Eloise” a French name, meaning “warrior.” An apt name it turns out, as we battled though 28 hours of labour together; but you were born healthy and strong, weighing 7 lbs and 8 oz.
I had to have an emergency cesarean, your heart-rate was too fast and we decided that you had been working hard enough, it was time to meet each other, and I didn't want to wait any longer.
You won't remember this, but Papa always will.
While I was getting my stitches, Papa got to take you into a quiet room, sit in a chair in the corner and stare down at his new beautiful daughter.
Papa told me you looked right up at him and watched him intently, and thats when he fell in love with you.
Shortly after Grandma, Grandpa and Auntie Nessa got to meet you, and Papa introduced you to your new family.
You were a very happy baby, and a very hungry baby, you had no problem figuring out how to nurse, and it was your favourite place in all the world, to be cuddled up against me and it was my favourite place too.
After two days in the hospital, we went home, and then you started to grow.
Everyday you did something new and amazing. Overnight you would change and get a little bit bigger, a little bit heavier, a little bit stronger.
Too quickly you outgrew your little cradle that sat beside our bed and moved into your own crib.
I remember being amazed as I watched you grab for things above you, and how you'd laugh in your sleep.
Suddenly you were sitting upright by yourself and playing with toys, you laughed all the time and were eating solids.
When you were 8 months old, you figured out how to crawl and started getting into everything.
Now you're walking along holding onto me, and I will rejoice and be a bit sad the day you let go and walk by yourself.
You are amazingly smart and talented, and every day I see you getting smarter and more talented.

These past 12 months have been the most amazing, precious, challenging and exciting months of my life.
The last year has flown by, and though you're still a baby, you're creeping up on toddler-hood, another stage I'm excited to go through with you.
God has blessed us immeasurably when He gave you to Papa and I; you are the most precious thing in the world to us, and we thank God every day for such a gift.
We love you so much, and we will always love you, we will always be there for you, we will always help you, and we will always be on your side, no matter what.

Happy Birthday, beloved daughter, my darling Eloise.

Mama & Papa XoXoXo


Niki said...

What a beautiful letter to our precious little one!

cntrydad said...

What a wonderful letter. I'm sure that Eloise will treasure it when she's older!


Dee said...

What a beautiful letter Jenny!! I'm sure Ella bean will treasure things like this when she gets older! just beautiful..


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