This past week has been extremely busy. Between Eloise's teething, getting the house ready for the hot weather and gardening, we've been jumping.
Jeremie and I are currently renting our little home, so I didn't want to put too much effort into making a large garden, flower or vegetable. However, having grown up most of my life with large vegetable and flower beds, I really found myself missing digging in the dirt.
I have many fond memories going to one of our many gardens at my parents home, and weeding with my dad, or picking beans with my mum.
So after a quick chat with my dad and hubby, they were able to put together a raised bed for me. I was even able to get all the supplies from dad, including dirt and plants! (because I'm just spoiled that way) and Jeremie knocked the box together for me lickity-split.
Really, I say "my garden" but the most work I've had to do thus far is water!
The box is placed right out my front door on what I suppose would be the 'side-lawn' of the house. It's easily accessible by hose, I'm never too far from baby if she's inside, and I can protect it from the groundhog family living under the shed in our backyard.
I have lettuce, green onions, basil, tomato, peppers, dill and a few others I'm sure I'm forgetting. I even have some space left to put a cherry tomato plant in, and room for one more; but I haven't decided what yet.
For my flowers this year I decided to get window boxes. They were very cheap and I got to walk around the garden center and buy pretty plants that "made me happy", like my lovely straw flowers, which Eloise finds hilarious every time she touches them. In my little boxes I also have lavender and spearmint, so I can easily add them to summer drinks.
I tried something new this year and bought a tiny Stevia plant from the local farmers market. I had never grown/tasted stevia still on the plant and was amazed by how sweet the leaves were!
I'm glad Eloise is too small to try it, or I'd fear my child would eat it all because it tastes like candy!
I look forward to drying it out and trying it in some recipes.
It was so hot this past week, we decided to go to the park and have a picnic with my sister-in-law and her family. They have a little girl just 4 months older than Eloise.
Great fun was had by all, and as you can see, the baby swings were a great success!
The river was so warm and lovely, I almost considered jumping in, in my clothes.
I didn't think to change into a bathing suit before we left, but I should have! Eloise loved the warm water, as long as Papa had a good hold on her.
I hope you all have a lovely week!
How wonderful that you have a raised bed garden! Baby Eloise sure is a cutey! Sounds like ya'll had a great time at the park! It's been hot here too! Keep the posts coming! Blessings from Bama!
I've only recently heard and learned about stevia, it's pretty neat. I'm considering starting to use it as sweetener in things instead of sugar. A few stevia leaves in a jug of lemonade eh? :)
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